Acura MDX Articles

Acura MDX Gas Mileage: 10 Tanks and Counting

If you follow this site you probably know by now that I love crunching data, especially when it comes to the fuel efficiency of my cars.

In late October of this year my wife and I purchased a 2009 Acura MDX to replace her aging Honda Accord. Obligatory plug: we took delivery via Harper Acura who worked diligently to procure the car from another state and ensure they left us as happy customers. I’ve been going to Harper VW and Harper Acura since 2002ish and they’ve never disappointed me. If you’re in the market give Shannon a call at the Porsche building and he’ll hook you up with the right person.

Articles The Web

4 Project Management Blogs That Won’t Give You Scope Creep

As I prepare to take the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam early next year, I’m constantly trying to cram as much project management (PM) info into each day. While browsing my RSS reader today I realized I have a good spread of PM sites in my arsenal. Instead of hording them to myself I thought I would share. Here are four project management blogs that are worth your time:

  • The Project Management Hut. Always updating, the PM Hut is stuffed with PM articles covering just about every topic you could imagine. The collection of authors do an excellent job relating to various industries as well, making sure not to cover one sector too strongly.
  • Project Shrink. This site does a great job of mixing the sometimes boring semantics of PM work with the real world human aspects of working on projects. The author, Bas de Baar, intermittently updates the site with informative videos, thoughtful advice and a drizzle of social media info.
  • Scope crêpe. Rich Maltzman, PMP, updates his site Scope crêpe about once a month. He tends to focus on showcasing tools and processes that will help any project manager, novice or pro.
  • Fear No Project. The FNP blog is written by Bruce McGraw and is focused on covering real world project scenarios. He recently posted a timely read called “What to do when everyone leaves town for the Holiday” which I’m sure is on every PM’s mind about this time of year.

How to Get 66% More People to Use the Stairs

All of this courtesy of Volkswagen. Yes, the car manufacturer.


Where You Are From Matters


Don’t Spread Seed Far and Wide

Cars Link

Evolution of the Dodge Charger

A fascinating look at how the Dodge Charger has evolved over time. I didn’t realize the Charger model had withstood the test of time so well.

Articles Food

Classified Info: Pal’s Sudden Service Secret Menu

For over 18 years plus a few summers, I lived in Kingsport, TN, headquarters to Pal’s Sudden Service. Not once during those 18 years did anyone mention the Pal’s Secret Menu – until today.

While skimming the I Love Pal’s group pages on Facebook, I stumbled upon a discussion thread asking what everyone liked best on the Secret Menu. For those as sheltered as I am here are the items:

– Dipped Big Pal (meat is dipped in sauce burger sauce)
– Dressed Hot Dog (hot dog with lettuce, tomato and pickle)
– Toasted Cheese (bun reversed grilled cheese with lettuce and tomato)
– Ham & Cheese Breakfast Style (toasted cheese w/ ham)
– Peachy Mello Yellow
– Peachy Sprite

Something tells me there will be a need for stickers and t-shirts proclaiming ones knowledge of this highly classified menu.

More Secret Menu Items: Chili Cheddar Rounds (William)

Articles Reviews

Well Protected: Seidio BlackBerry Innocase Review

If my parents had only known how I’d turn out they would have made my middle name “Frugal”. Let’s just say I didn’t join the text message revolution until a few months ago.

But when my Motorola MotoQ crapped out on me I saw a window of opportunity to upgrade both my phone and my plan. So now, I’m sporting a BlackBerry Curve with an unlimited text plan, putting those $0.20/text charges to bed forever. Dang, I’m so rogue.

The Curve comes with a leather pouch that makes slipping the phone into your pocket fairly easy. It’s removing the phone from the pouch over and over that gets old.

Looking for a better protection setup, I turned to a brand I had used before, Seidio. My MotoQ was once wrapped in their black Innocase Surface case which I loved – until a couple of clips broke that held the two sides together and rendered it useless. Nonetheless, the surface the product name eludes to is spectacular. It provides just the right amount of grip.

As pictured above, I outfitted my Curve 8330 with the Innocase Hybrid case. As the name suggests, Seidio combines a “Crystal” front plate with a black Innocase Surface back-plate.

I chose the hybrid model to retain a visible front while receiving the grip that I mentioned earlier from the back. This case has an excellent snug fit which protects all areas while only increasing the size of phone by a minuscule amount.

I received the case as a Christmas gift, but the $29.95 price tag is well worth it if you’re looking for a durable product that will protect your cellphone investment.


Coming, Going and Leaving Your Mark


You Can’t Choose Your Luck