…in this world you will have to make your own way. To do that you must have friends. You can make friends by being honest, and you can keep them by being steadfast. You must keep in mind that friends worth having will in the long run expect as much from you as they give to you. Elizabeth Jackson
Wurkin Stiffs Collar Stays
I use them. They’re awesome. Go buy some.
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose Friday Night Lights
Seth Godin on Motivation
In fact, the world is more and more aligned in favor of those who find motivation inside, who would do what they do even if it wasn’t their job. As jobs turn into projects, the leaders we need are those that relish the project, that jump at the chance to push themselves harder than any coach ever could. Seth Godin
After many failed attempts at getting up on a wakeboard, YouTube videos helped me understand what I was doing wrong. Here are what I would call the keys to success:
1. Make sure your legs/knees are tucked inside of your arms. Not only will this stabilize your legs but it will help keep your arms straight as you don’t want to fight the boat.
2. Tighten your abs to stabilize your core.
3. Ask the boat driver to gradually increase speed. It doesn’t take much for a wakeboard to get on plane and going slow will give you more time to realize what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong.
4. As the boat speeds up stay low, begin to point the end of your board towards the boat.
5. Slowly stand up when you feel comfortable.

Snapped this a few days ago when the TSX turned over to 80,000. I’m looking forward to 80,000 more.
Invent it, then crowdsource it.
Cars are funny things, really, like music I suppose, in that some men remember their childhoods through them. Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox
More tips on how to pack a carry-on from my favorite men’s style magazine, Valet Mag.