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The Jeep Wave Explained

Car Care How-to

7 Car Care Products to Clean Your Car Like a Pro

It’s not lost on me that car care isn’t a favorite pastime among most car owners. To many, cars are a simple way to travel between points A and B.

If you are taking the time to occasionally pamper your ride, I have created a this list of 7 car care products that may make the job a little easier. I personally use all of these and attest to their quality. If you have a favorite car care product or tool leave a comment, I’d love to hear about it.

Adam’s Car Shampoo. Fill your bucket with Adam’s, the only car wash soap I’ve found for extreme sudsing and a PH balance that won’t harm your paint.

Chemical Guys Chenille Microfiber Mitt. Some pro detailers recommend wool mitts but I tend to stray from them due to the swirl marks they can leave if not used properly. Instead, I use 5 microfiber mitts during the wash process, discarding one into an empty bucket after each section. The two bucket method is good but I prefer to discard dirty mitts so they’re not reexposed to the clean water.

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Bullet Journal

Bullet journal is for those who feel there are few platforms as powerful as the blank paper page. It’s an analog system for the digital age that will help you organize the present, record the past, and plan for the future.”

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How to Remove Rust from Stainless Steel

How to Remove Rust from Stainless Steel

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How to Get Up on a Wakeboard

After many failed attempts at getting up on a wakeboard, YouTube videos helped me understand what I was doing wrong. Here are what I would call the keys to success:

1. Make sure your legs/knees are tucked inside of your arms. Not only will this stabilize your legs but it will help keep your arms straight as you don’t want to fight the boat.

2. Tighten your abs to stabilize your core.

3. Ask the boat driver to gradually increase speed. It doesn’t take much for a wakeboard to get on plane and going slow will give you more time to realize what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong.

4. As the boat speeds up stay low, begin to point the end of your board towards the boat.

5. Slowly stand up when you feel comfortable.

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The Expertly Packed Carry-On

More tips on how to pack a carry-on from my favorite men’s style magazine, Valet Mag.